Quiz Results
Congratulations. You have taken the Quiz and have a result. This page will assist you to make meaning from your result. Each score falls within the range of the rākau.
The rākau is used to show that there is a movement between each of the categories. However based on your quiz answers the measure helps to direct you to where you can make change to move in the direction that you want to.
There are no rights or wrongs, we all move backwards and foreword along the rākau at any given moment in our lives. We have good days and bad days. Your score today will be different from your score in a week, a month and even a years time.
Scores fall between 15 and 45. Your score will fit into one of the three categories below.
15-20 matches with Mauri Moe
21-35 matches with Mauri Oho
36-45 matches with Mauri Ora
Now you know your result for today you can use the pages on the website, to think about each section. Consider how your score matched with you and your whānau needs.
It also helps to find the areas that you might need support from services, advice from health professionals or just some companionship through outdoor activities, or interest groups.